Culinary Herbs

Armoracia rustica     Horseradish

This is a large clump forming herb with a spicy tuber.  They can be harvested from fall to spring, ground with vinegar and spices to make a delicious spicy sauce. I recommend keeping it in a container as they can be aggressive.

Ht: 2-3′

Mature Spread: 2-3′

Flower Color: N/A

Hardiness: Zone 3

Full Sun



Helianthus tuberosa     Jerusalem Artichoke

This is a tall perennial with bright yellow sun flowers.  The tubers have an appearance similar to ginger roots. They can be eaten raw in salads, or cooked as you would a potato. 


Helianthus tuberosa     Jerusalem Artichoke

Ht: 4-5′

Mature Spread: 2-3′

Flower Color: Yellow

Hardiness: Zone 4

Full Sun



Melissa officinalis      Lemon Balm

This is a spreading herb with fragrant lemon scented leaves.  They can be used in salads and potpourri.  This plant has been used for centuries as a calming herb and has many medicinal uses.

Ht: 18’24”

Mature Spread: 18-24″

Flower Color: N/A

Hardiness: Zone 4

Full Sun

Moist to dry


Mentha piperita citrate      Chocolate Mint

This is an awesome spreading herb with intense chocolate scented dark green leaves. They have a great chocolate mint flavor, great for teas. I use it to make a mint chocolate sorbet.

Ht: 12-18″

Mature Spread: 12-24″

Flower Color: N/A

Hardiness: Zone 4

Full Sun

Moist to Dry


Mentha spicata     Spearmint

This is an aggressive spreading herb with light green leaves that have a lovely spearmint scent.  I make delicious teas with the foliage. It can also be used to make mint jelly.

Ht: 12-18″

Mature Spread: 1-2′

Flower Color: White

Hardiness: Zone 4

Full Sun

Moist to Dry


Rosemarinus officinalis ‘Arp’   Lemon Rosemary

This evergreen perennial has aromatic foliage on woody stems that can be shrubby.   This is a tender perennial and many people keep it in pots indoors for winter. It is a flavorful herb, often used on roasted vegetables, fish, and chicken.

Ht: 2-4′

Mature Spread: 2-3′

Flower Color: Lavender

Hardiness: Zone 6

Full Sun



Satureja montana      Winter Savory

This is a medium sized herb with semi evergreen leaves and tiny white flowers.  The shoots are best picked before they set bloom. Their peppery flavor goes well with other herbs and can be used on meat, poultry, and fish.  

Ht: 12-18″

Mature Spread: 12-18″

Hardiness: Zone 5

Flower Color: White

Full Sun



Thymus x citriodorus     Lemon Thyme

This is a short woody perennial with upright branches and variegated green and white leaves.  The leaves smell and taste like lemon and can be used as a lemon substitute in salads and cooking. They work well in pots in a sunny window for winter use.  I use the leaves in vinaigrette.

Thymus x citriodorus Lemon Thyme

Ht: 6-12″

Mature Spread:8-12″

Flower Color: White

Hardiness: Zone 4

Full Sun

Medium to Dry